
Debian package manager
Debian package manager

yum instead of rpm or apt* instead of dpkg, but we will not cover graphical tools like Synaptic, because we feel that the CLI tools are more powerful and usable in any environment, be it graphical or console-only. Bear in mind that we will talk about the higher-level interfaces to package management, e.g. The first is used in Debian-based systems, rpm is used in Fedora, OpenSUSE or Mandriva, but yum is Fedora/Red Hat only, so we will focus on that.Gentoo is a source-based distribution, you will be able to see how things are done both in binary and source distributions, for a more complete comparison. We chose as terms for the comparison some popular systems from popular distributions, and those will be dpkg/apt*, rpm/yum, pacman and Portage. We don’t expect some special knowledge on your part, just some general Linux concepts. You will learn the most important things a user expects from a PM system, like install/uninstall, search and other advanced options.

debian package manager

Finally, if you need a good comparison and/or a reminder about major PM systems, you’ll find something interesting too. If you’ve only used one or two distributions for some time and you want to see what’s on the other side of the fence, this article also might be for you. If you are a beginner in the Linux world and are wondering about the differences between distributions, this will be a good start.

debian package manager debian package manager

Many times, this is the reason somebody steers away from one distribution to another, because he/she doesn’t like the way software is installed or because there is software needed that isn’t available in the distro’s repositories. One of the major differences between various Linux distributions is package management.

Debian package manager